Did you know that Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and involved in over 300 metabolic reactions that are essential in human health?
Magnesium deficiencies are linked to various illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders and migraine. Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy
Magnesium is present in many whole foods such as:
Legumes: black beans, edamame
Vegetables: spinach, kale, avocado
Nuts: almonds, peanuts, cashews
Whole grains: oatmeal, whole wheat
Others: dark chocolate
The average recommended daily amount of magnesium is 320 mg for women and 420 mg for men Magnesium - Fact Sheet
Magnesium supplements are generally considered safe for most people. Once you’ve reached adequate levels, your body will excrete any excess in your urine. However, certain forms or excessive doses may cause mild symptoms like diarrhea or upset stomach.
Although rare, magnesium toxicity can occur. If you have kidney disease or consume very large doses of this mineral, you may be at a greater risk. Signs of toxicity include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness, irregular breathing, lethargy, and urinary retention. Magnesium - Fact sheet